Most Painful WWF/WWE Finishers

Photo Cred: WWE Photos

Photo Cred: WWE Photos

A lot of fans and critiques have called the WWE “fake”, but I doubt anybody would want to be on the receiving end of these finishing moves.  

10) Pedigree: One of my favorite things about my arms is that if I happen to be falling I could use them to protect my face from getting hurt. When Triple HHH grabs your arms, has your head between his legs,and slams you face first into the floor, you too will have a new found appreciation for arms.


9) Ankle Lock: It doesn’t matter if it’s Ken Shamrock  or Kurt Angle applying the pressure, having your ankle twisted into an awkward position will hurt like hell regardless.


8) Choke slam: I was choke slammed on a mattress once. You know, those things you sleep on? My heart felt like it jumped out of my body.


7) Clothesline from Hell: I know what you’re thinking. A clothesline? Really? All I can say is when JBL did this move, it looked like the opponents head was ripped off.


6Pile driver: This is the move that nearly ended Stone Cold’s career.

5) Last Ride: As if being power bombed to the mat by a 6’8″ man doesn’t hurt enough, The Undertaker actually lifts you over his head. The higher up you go, the higher your chances for going to the hospital.


4) Crippler Crossface: The thing about this move is that Chris Benoit could probably keep you in this hold for as long as he wants. It is too difficult to counter once he has you locked in and after being in it for just 2 minutes I’m sure most people would have rather been slammed onto the mat quickly than be stuck in this position.

3) Goldberg’s Spear: His combination of power and speed must make it feel like being smashed by a speeding truck.

3) Vader Bomb: This move and the following one is proof that the combination of big guys and gravity don’t mix.

2) Yokozuna Banzai Drop: No comment.


1) Shattered Dreams: I think I speak for every guy when i say…fuck that shit.


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